
Thursday, October 23, 2008


I am getting tired of clothes.

This week is the clothing exchange at church and I have been there every day. While I have found some nice stuff for every person in my family, I am tired of washing clothes, folding clothes, putting away clothes, and doing it all over again.

Interestingly enough, clothing was one of the things mentioned in the devotional a good friend of mine recently gave at Evan's baby shower. I have thought of her words a LOT this week.

Here is what she said:

Proverbs 31:25, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come."

"So much of our lives as moms revolves around clothing - mending, purchasing, cleaning, storing, growing out of, growing into, clothing exchanges - the list goes on and on. But you can laugh at the days to come if you'll only keep in focus that the things to "put on" aren't measured by size or neatness or matching print or designer label. Choose strength and dignity. They'll always be in fashion."

So as I go to switch the laundry (again) and fold yet another load of clothes I can laugh and be thankful that my children have lots of great condition clothing to wear this winter. I am thankful that I found a pair of jeans that fit (even if they are two sizes larger than I want to be). I am thankful for all the clothes I was able to bless others with. And I am thankful for my friend and the reminder of what is really important.


  1. I missed being there with you at the clothing exchange. I know you did a great job.

  2. great reminder as I go and start another load of laundry :) love you!


(To the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It)
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.
(clap, clap)
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.
(clap, clap)
Make me happy, Oh so happy, If you'll only leave a comment;
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.