
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Valentine Mailbox

When I was a kid my mom did a great job of making every major holiday special. Each holiday had its own traditions and surprises. Valentine's Day was no exception.
On Valentine's Day my mom would make beef burgundy. It was the one time a year she made it ('cause it was a lot of work). Always delicious!
Another tradition we had was the Valentine Mailbox. I can't remember a Valentine's without the mailbox. It has always been a part of Valentine's Day for me. Our mailbox was a simple cardboard box that my mom covered in paper and decorated. Each year she would get it out a couple of weeks before Valentine's and we would get to make and fill Valentine's to put in the mailbox. There were always surprises that showed up from Dad and Mom at the last minute as well. The anticipation of opening the mailbox and passing out the valentines that evening was almost as good as Christmas!
Since I have my own family now, I made a Valentine Mailbox for us this year. Like my mom, I got a plain cardboard box and covered it in construction paper (red, white, and pink). I decorated the top and cut a slit for the valentines, then I brainstormed to remember how my mom decorated the sides of the mailbox.
One side had our "family tree" on it - my mom drew a tree and wrote all our names in it. Another side said "Happy Valentine's Day". One side was blank, and the last side had hearts and arrows saying "Daddy loves Mommy", "Mommy loves Daddy", Daddy loves CL", etc. I decorated my box sides similarly to the way my mom decorated her mailbox. Why fix it if it ain't broke?
My handsome hubby offered to help me, so I had him color some conversation hearts for the blank side of the mailbox.
All in all, I think our family Valentine Mailbox turned out pretty well!

I'm hoping that as our boys grow up, they will be able to have fond memories of a great tradition continued into a new generation.


  1. What a cute tradition!!

  2. That is a great tradition to have - and how wonderful to take it from one generation to the next! Good job!

  3. That is a great tradition! I really love this idea. :)

  4. I love this idea. What a great memory. My kids would love it!

  5. ADORABLE~ love it. I have intentions, but my follow through lately has been lagging. Thanks for the boost I needed!

  6. I love it. I may have to borrow this ideal. I saw the little metal mailboxes in the Target $1 bins. I thought about getting one. Now that I hear how much it meant to you...I might just try it.

  7. My fam always did the same thing. Very fun! I personally can't believe you got Ken to help you, though... Jeremy would never do that! ;-)

  8. What a fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day. I may just have to steel this idea. :)

  9. What sweet memories and a great tradition to keep going!

  10. Love this idea! I might have to use this one for our home too.

  11. What a wonderful tradition to carry on with your children. How fun!

  12. Love your tradition! We just might borrow that from you this year. :)

  13. That's a great tradition! My boys just asked me today "What do we get for Valentine's Day?" and I gave them a blank stare. We just haven't really celebrated it, ever. Maybe I should re-think that. Your box is so cute.


(To the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It)
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.
(clap, clap)
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.
(clap, clap)
Make me happy, Oh so happy, If you'll only leave a comment;
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.