
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Hey Babe"

My hubby called upstairs to me today to ask me a question.  "Hey Babe, where are the such and such?"
Will, the recently turned two year old parrot was standing by his daddy, "hey babe, hey babe, hey babe."

Ken and I totally cracked up.
Sometimes being called "babe" is almost better than being called "mom".   Almost :)


  1. Lol. :-) Lucy has taken to calling us by our first names on occasion (mostly Jeremy), probably just because she's repeating EVERYTHING we say these days. It's cute, but I think Jeremy appreciates "Daddy" a little more. ;-)

  2. LOL! When my son was just around a year old, that is what he would call me. Babe! He would wake up in the morning and from his crib he would shout "babe!", haha. It was funny.


(To the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It)
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.
(clap, clap)
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.
(clap, clap)
Make me happy, Oh so happy, If you'll only leave a comment;
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.