
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Balancing Hubby & Kids

I was all set to post part 3 of my Discipline series, but Janeen of Christian Frugal Mama started a new carnival: Wednesday Wifehood & I really want to participate!

How do you keep your husband as the top priority when your children are little?  This is a constant struggle, at least for me.  You know the old proverb "a squeaky wheel gets the grease?"  Well, kids can be a very squeaky wheel!  Here are some things I try to do on a regular basis to remind my husband that he is the most important person in my life.  After all, my kids will eventually grow up & leave me, but my husband will be with me for the rest of our lives.
1.  As soon as my husband walks in the door, I try to stop what I am doing and kiss him, ask him how his day went, & offer him something to drink/snack on.  I want him to know that I've missed him & that his comfort is a priority to me.  I don't always do so great at this - some days I feel like he walks in the door & I start babbling about my day, but I'm trying to be better about that.
2.  Once our boys go to bed, I try to spend at least an hour of time focusing on my husband.  We've started recently exercising together & it's been such a nice quiet time to talk & reconnect.
3.  I always go to bed at the same time as my hubby.  This is a hard one for me.  My husband gets up early to go to work, so he likes to go to bed early.  I was raised a night owl & LOVE staying up late at night.  But by going to bed with him, I get to show him that I would rather be with him than do anything else.  I do sometimes stay up late & work on the computer, but only after my husband is asleep & next to him in bed (laptops are awesome).

What are some ways YOU show your husband he is The Man? 


  1. I try to make my husband's lunch the night before. I know how much it means to him, especially when I'm tired! Thanks for linking up (made me feel less lonely!) and thanks again for the adorable button. I finally got it firgured out and up, now I just need to get the code for it one there... :) One new step at a time!

  2. I like the idea of going to bed at the same time. We do that too. Also we try to do as many activities as we can together. We once read a book that said that there are so many things that couples have to do apart, so try and use your ´spare time´ in things that you can do together. Also, encouraging words mean a lot to Joe so I try to encourage him as much as possible with my words...both in person and in notes.


(To the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It)
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.
(clap, clap)
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.
(clap, clap)
Make me happy, Oh so happy, If you'll only leave a comment;
Make me happy, take the time, and leave a comment.